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Create Something New: Become an Item-Writing Task Force Member

July 10, 2020  |  Posted by ABIM  |  Uncategorized

“It’s given me a greater appreciation for the test as a whole. And, I think it helps you to serve the community, meaning our medical community but also the general public, because you’re making sure that the doctors certified in your specialty are properly certified… I think it’s been really rewarding, and… I like the diversity of people that they’ve picked for the Task Force, meaning diversity of age, geographic region, gender, and ethnicity. So, I think there’s a very balanced perspective.”

Vandana Khungar, MD, MSc | Transplant Hepatology

The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) established Item-Writing Task Forces to help Exam Committees keep up with the increased demand for content associated with innovations in our assessments and support ABIM’s efforts to offer more choice and flexibility for physicians maintaining their board certification.

These Task Forces are critical to ABIM’s ability to deliver our new longitudinal maintenance pathway.  

“This was something that I could, for the most part, do from home. It fit nicely with the amount of time that I thought I had to contribute at that stage in my life… It still has a lot of the fun associated with it of collaborating with the really great team at ABIM, great docs, getting feedback from them, and creating something new.”

David Wooldridge, MD, FACP | Hospital Medicine

Those interested in a position will be asked to submit an interest form that contains a CV, personal statement, and contact information for a professional reference. Interest forms will be reviewed on a monthly basis, but early consideration will be given to those who submit their materials early. To be considered for our next cohort, materials must be received by August 10th.

We strongly encourage physicians from underrepresented groups in medicine and those practicing in a community setting to submit an interest form. The Item-Writing Task Force is a great way for physicians who are relatively early in their careers to volunteer with ABIM. There are also a small number of openings for physician and non-physician experts to serve on ABIM Specialty Boards.

Watch the video below to hear from current Item-Writing Task Force members about their experience: